Friday, January 28, 2011

The proposal

I should probably be more efficient about posting on here because I'd like to keep everyone up to date on wedding plans and everything! (Not that anyone really even knows that this blog exists at this point, but I'll be sure to let people know about it today....maybe...)

Anyway, people keep asking me how Garrett proposed and they keep asking me on facebook or via text and I REALLY don't want to type it all out more then once so here we go. Here's the story of the proposal :)

I knew that he was going to propose soon and I knew he had the ring but I didn't know just how he was going to go about the whole thing and still manage to surprise me. My family knew we were going to get engaged soon and his parents knew, but we had decided not to tell Garrett's siblings and their spouses (or so I thought) and just surprise them instead. Now, to understand how it all went down you need to understand a few things. Kaylee (Garrett's sister) and Ryan (Kaylee's husband) live in the basement of their grandpa's townhouse on the end of the row of houses and Chris (Garrett's brother) and Nicole (Chris's wife) live in the bottom apartment on the other end of the row. I hope that made sense....Anyway, we had just gotten out of our class and Garrett told me that we needed to go over to Chris and Nicole's because Chris and him needed to help their grandpa to move something. So off we went to Chris and Nicole's!

Once we got there I just settled down on the couch and watched Project Runway with Nicole while Garrett and Chris ran off to "help their grandpa". A few minutes went by and Nicole got a call from Kaylee. All I heard was, "Just a second....ya, we have...three! ....Ya, no problem." or something like that. Nicole came over to me and said, "Kaylee is making brownies but they don't have eggs...I hate to ask but Grayson (Chris and Nicole's little boy) needs to be changed, so would you mind running these over?" and handed me two eggs. No problem! I'm on it. So I headed on over to Kaylee and Ryan's apartment and knocked on the door and heard a "Come in!" from Kaylee (who then booked it up the stairs, I later learned) so I walked on in...and I'm sure my jaw just dropped.

All the blinds were pulled shut and closed to make the room darker (even though it was the middle of the day and light still snuck in) and there were candles lit and about 300 balloons, some filled with helium and floating, some just on the floor and all the balloons were black, white, or yellow (our wedding colors). And on the other side of the room was Garrett, standing there with a bouquet of roses. I navigated my way over to him through all the balloons and he got down on one knee and said, "Will you marry me?" I'm pretty sure I started tearing up then and I just nodded and said "Yes" while trying not to sound like I was about to bawl. Then he put the ring on my finger and stood up and we hugged and kissed and all that and then I had to ask him to take the eggs before I dropped them because I was still holding them. Behind where he had been standing there was a table with a bunch of candles, a big slice of chocolate Costco cake with whipped cream, two of those cute, plastic, throw away champagne glasses and Martinelli's sparkling cider. So we sat down and ate a bit of cake and Garrett said, "Well, I guess I should turn off the cameras." THERE WERE CAMERA'S?!?!?! I was then informed that everyone was upstairs waiting for us so we went upstairs and said hi to everyone (everyone being Garrett's parents, grandparents, siblings, and their spouses)

So that's the story! We then had to transport all the balloons to my house (which was an interesting adventure) and went to Olive Garden to eat and celebrate. Basically, Garrett is amazing and did an awesome job in surprising me. I honestly never saw it coming :)